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Cold weather approaches, college prepares for potential closures

By Maggie Rhynes
IV Leader Staff

    As the winter season approaches, the cold trek from car to campus leaves many students wishing the college would just close when it is cold. However, closing the campus isn’t that simple and students should be aware of college closing procedures as the threat of inclement weather approaches.
    Notification of a college closure due to inclement weather is broadcast on several local radio stations (listed in graphic). It is also posted on the college website and noted on the main switchboard’s automated message.
    The process of canceling day classes begins the evening prior as the director of safety services communicates with the director of facilities throughout the night. A recommendation to close the college must be made to the vice president of business services and finance by 5 a.m. on the day of the closure.
    A call is then put into the president, who will host a conference call with the President’s Council and reach a decision of whether or not to close the college.
    The decision to close the college must be made by 5:30 a.m.
    The Director of Community Relations then notifies location radio stations. Students should then be aware of a college closing no later than 6 a.m.

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