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Artist Spotlight

Name: Molly Maria Walter
Major: Art/ Linguistics

Favorite Medium: Pencil/ Charcoal/ Erasers

Favorite Art Genre: Although I don’t do a lot of surrealist art, I’m a big fan of surrealism because it doesn’t have any rules in the natural world. Abstract and modern art are interesting too.

Favorite Writing Genre: When you have to really pay attention to what your reading. I like stories with a lot of symbols and metaphors, and good imagery is essential. Fables, philosophy, and well-written travel stories.

Writes: I like to write stories with underlying meanings and metaphors, or I write from personal experiences. I love to affect how people think and feel while they read.

Goals: Travel and compile a portfolio of pencil and charcoal portraits of people from all over the world.

Inspirations: No one in particular, but my friends and I inspire each other and culture is a big inspiration for me.

Can be found: In the art department trying to master pot throwing or at a state park.

by Greta Lieski

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