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'Team America' hangs by thread 

MOVIE REVIEW: By Jacob Pearson
IV Leader Columnist, Dec. 9, 2004

    I hate puppets. I’m not sure why, but next to the Lifetime channel they are my most mortal enemies. There’s just something about tiny wooden people that talk that gives me the willies. But despite this fact, I decided to see “Team America: World Police.” Little did I realize the pandemonium that would ensue. 
    “Team America World Police” is the latest offering from Trey Parker and Matt Stone, creators of the long-running “South Park” cartoon. This automatically guarantees that complete political incorrectness and hilarity would be involved. The inspiration for “Team America: World Police” is an old ‘60s British television show called “The Thunderbirds.” This show was a serious television show done entirely with marionettes. 
    This movie is without a doubt one of the most ridiculous and stupid movies ever. But it was also incredibly funny. The plot is pretty straight forward and easy to comprehend. A special anti-terrorist team called Team America: World Police travels around the globe searching for terrorists to shoot. 
    The media and movie stars criticize the team for its shoot first-ask questions later tactics, causing their base to be hidden deep within the craniums of Mt. Rushmore. 
    That’s really all you need to know, because everything else in the movie is complete lunacy. The terrorists’ dialogue consisted of phrases like “Derka Derka Derka, Jihad, Allah, Derka, Muhammad Ali.” I dare you to try and keep a straight face when listening to that. The music used in this movie was equally hilarious, including such hit singles as “Everyone Has AIDS” and “America, F**k Yeah.” But the person who truly steals the show is Kim Jong Il, who delivers the heart breaking “I’m so Ronwry.” Who would have known a North Korean dictator could have so much talent?
    This movie definitely earned its “R” rating the good old American way: Crude humor, nudity, violence and adult language. Extreme language and derogatory statements are used heavily throughout this movie. There is even a gratuitous puppet sex scene complete with nudity thrown in for good measure. All in all, this is definitely not a movie for the faint of heart, or for the easily offended. 
    So taking into account this movie’s pros and cons, I give this movie two out of four stars. The sharp political satire and celebrity smack downs make this movie enjoyable, but the over-the-top language and content can be a bit too much. This movie is definitely not for everyone, and I doubt I’ll be in a big hurry to watch it again, but it’s still entertaining.