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Printed...for the last time

EDITORIAL, May 6, 2004

    As warm weather quickly moves in and begins to settle, one thing seems to be on the minds of students everywhere — summer vacation. Slowly, months have counted down to weeks, weeks have diminished to days, and now summer vacation is within our sights. 
    For some of us, this means a short relaxing break before kicking off yet another semester, and for others it is the end of their IVCC education journey.
    As the two graduating editors, we look forward to next year at our prospective schools but are disappointed that the year in the newspaper office has passed so quickly.
Being part of the newspaper staff was a great accomplishment for us. We have learned so much and created great friendships.
    We would like to thank everyone who added anything to this paper throughout the year.
    We would not have been successful had it not been for all of the students, faculty and staff that contributed.
    We would like to express our gratitude to all of those responsible for making the IVCC experience what it was. We will use our experiences learned here in the future.
    As we head our separate ways, we hope to keep in touch with everyone, and we wish next year's staff the best of luck. And to Lori, we love you, but burn that hat.
    This is Karl and Kristin printed up…for the last time.