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EDITORIAL:  Do you voice your opinion?

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Our campus is a community teeming with diversity—people of different ages, colors, religious, cultural, and political ideologies.

IVCC is our place, where the privileged and the materially challenged sit side-by-side and receive equal access to a higher education.

Freedom of thought and speech are encouraged, and nurtured, as is the right to ask the question: “why?”

Not everyone shares the same opinions, values, or perspectives on issues of relevance, or even the lesser issues that are a part of our everyday lives.

We at the IV Leader embrace and promote such diversity. Our staff is made up of a mixture of people who are dedicated to freedom and the First Amendment.

We try to make our columns and stories reflect liberal, moderate, and conservative viewpoints to cover the various array of outlooks in the world in which we live.We encourage our readers to provide us with feedback so that we can tailor this paper to meet everybody’s needs.

If you have an opinion, voice it. If you have a complaint, let us know why.

Don’t just crumple this paper up, use it as a bathroom distraction, or as packing material.

This is your paper, your channel of communication to the rest of our community. It should be read, pondered over, and discussed openly because it pertains to you.

And remember, without freedom of the press, you wouldn’t even have the chance.

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