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REEL REVIEWS COLUMN:  'Orange County' is full of pulp

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By Nick Tintori and Micah Riordan

The end of last year and the beginning of this year has brought forth great moments in what will surely become movie history and images that will live in your head for years to come. In that limited time of great and epic adventures there has to come along at least one piece of crap. This year’s cinematic turd is "Orange County."

This highbrow comedy nugget of poo stars some pretty big names and some people who had great talent (well before they did this movie, that is). The movie stars Tom Hank’s son, which is all he will be called because we do not like him and will not mention him by his name because Tom is cooler.

The movie also stars comedy/singer god Jack Black (acclaimed star of the hit movie "Never Ending Story 3") and some chick that gets steadily more annoying rather then funnier.

The co-stars and guest appearances are what really make this movie worth anything. The all star co-stars list starts with Catherine O’Hara ("Home Alone" mom), John Lithgow ("Buckaroo Banzai"), and Harold Ramis ("Ghostbusters").

The guest appearances are as good and if not better than the real cast of the movie. The high name guests that are present for not nearly long enough are Lily Tomlin ("All of Me"), Ben Stiller ("Heavy Weights"), Kevin Kline ("Fish Called Wanda"), and Chevy Chase ("Christmas Vacation"). These people do great things for this movie and seriously must have sold their souls to the devils to be in this movie, or maybe they did this movie just because they like Tom Hanks.

Now that the intro and reviewer portion has been taken care of, now it is time to get to the real problems with the movie. We know that a trailer is made before a movie is edited so some of the stuff in the preview will not make the movie, which is fine with us, but nothing in the preview made the movie, nothing. The whole preview was great and funnier than anything out there, but none of that great funny stuff was in the movie, which, in fact, hurt the movie. After watching the movie, we decided to tape the preview for 83 minutes and just watch that.

To rate this movie would involve tons of profane language and a headache that we both do not need. This movie was so bad that we would have to take stars and ratings from other movies to make it break even. So we recommend seeing anything but "Orange County."

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