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ADN celebrates 50 years

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Associate Degree Nursing programs, 50 years old in the country and 35 years old at IVCC, are preparing to Celebrate the Gold.

Gloria Bouxsein, chair of the health professions division, said IVCC nurses would be having a birthday party in May to recognize the anniversary.

"ADN nursing has been a true asset to our community," Bouxsein said. "Approximately 64 percent of all nurses employed at local hospitals are our graduates."

ADN nursing began in 1952 as a research project that had two purposes: to help the post World War II nursing shortage and to provide a strong base for nursing education at the community college level.

Today, more than 600 community colleges offer ADN programs.

The program at IVCC began in July 1967 with the first class graduating in 1969. Crystal (Springborn) Mercer, who died earlier this year, was the first director (See "Founder of IVCC nursing program dies" published in the Feb. 7, 2002 issue).

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