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IN LIVING COLOR COLUMN:  Blue Man Group slays audiences

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By Beth Kalisiak
A & E Editor

Blue Man Group is an amazing multi-sensory and multi-media spectacle that explores the realm of the subconscious and everyday life that is taken for granted, and throws it in the face of the audience.

A busload of IVCC Project Success students, who went to see them at the Briar Street Theater in Chicago, enjoyed the audience interaction and agreed the show was filled with innovative music well supported by the actors' energy.

"It was like a great rock concert with terrific rhythms; the drumming was excellent," said IV Leader opinion editor Marla Buchanan.

The group takes everyday objects and turns them into a musical instrument. For example, PVC tubes of varying lengths are stuffed with foam and beat on with foam rubber paddles.

You may remember having seen this creative and innovative group on The Tonight Show, and in their television advertising.

The show is meant for all ages and is thoroughly entertaining no matter a person's background. Unlike most stage shows, the actors don't speak. The entire show is based on rhythms and body language, which allows hearing impaired people to enjoy it.

The troupe’s interaction with the audience through looks, stares, or climbing over people, makes everyone feel special.

Student Aimie Pizano said: "I thought they were so interesting and their messages were very strong. It was an interactive experience."

Whether it's art history or watching a friend spu milk through his nose, the show will strike a chord. It’s not only for people who are "cultured." Blue Man Group is very informal and not intimidating like other shows may be, for example "Les Miserables." Any Joe off the street can watch the show and love it. It can be enjoyed at face value and found to be deeply amazing when the underlying messages are deciphered.

Project Success counselor Wendi Weiden summed up the experience, "It's a work of performance art."

The concept for Blue Man Group came from three long-time friends in 1987. The men began by performing in and around New York's Central Park and East Village, and organizing "happenings" or public spectacles like roasting marshmallows over the Olympic flame when it was in New York for the 1996 games.

Blue Man Group is dedicated to creating exciting and innovative work. They have earned numerous awards at festivals including Emmy nominations and a Grammy nomination for "Best Pop Instrumental Album." Blue Man Group opened a second permanent show in Boston, in October 1995, followed by openings in Chicago and Las Vegas.

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