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Local bridge spans a gap across time

Photography by Dave Msseemmaa
Associate Editor

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Left a fisherman watches a motorboat pass on a September morning.  The sandy beaches on the north bank near the bridge are a popular hangout for fishers regardless of season or weather.  The exposed roots in the foreground are a reminder of the river's flooding capabilities.


Right an unidentified person
stands under the bridge,
looking across the river on
a day so murky the opposite
shore is just a gray stripe. 
The pylons, tagged with graffiti,
give an urban feel to the
natural beauty of
the river area.


Left  the serene look at the center span is framed by a fallen tree on the north bank.  The stripped tree's roots are still attached - a sign of soil erosion.

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WEBhouseonbridge.jpg (37643 bytes) Left the bridgetender's cabin sits discreetly above the road, high in the center span.  Catwoalks criss-cross the space around it.

Right the looming towers
of the bridge fade into a wintery fog.  The bridge looks the same as it did decades ago.

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