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GRADUATING IN MAY? The deadline for applying for May graduation is Feb. 1. Applications are available from and must be filed in the Records Office.

TRANSFER TALK: Representatives of colleges and universities will be on campus to talk with prospective transfer students on the following dates:

- Feb. 6 – SIU, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Feb. 14 – Eureka, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Feb. 21 – WIU, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Feb. 26 – Franklin, 3 to 7 p.m.

- March 6 – Eureka, 10 to 1

- March 8 – Auroral, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

All representatives will be in the main lobby.

CALEY PUBLISHES: Sue Caley Opsal, anatomy-physiology instructor, has published an article with the League for Innovation in the Community College.

Her article, which describes her experiences assisting IVCC faculty with technology, was published in November 2000. Caley Opsal was IVCC's first Faculty Facilitator last year, and her work was featured at a Conference on Information Technology.

Her article is entitled "Using Facilitators for Faculty Training and Support in Instructional Technology," and it appears in "A Collection of Practices from the League's Conference on Information Technology."

SENDING AN SOS? The support services offered at IVCC will be showcased in an SOS - Student Options for Success - Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 6:30 p.m. Feb. 5 in the main lobby and link.

Among the services to be featured are Financial Aid, Peer Tutoring, Reading and Writing Support Services, Dislocated Workers Center, Project Success, Counseling, Displaced Homemaker Services and Adult Learning Center.

Kelly Conrad, director of admissions and records, said the event was being sponsored by the Student Retention and Success Task Force "in an effort to feature the many excellent resources available to students."

PTK ACTIVITIES: Members of Phi Theta Kappa have hosted a number of activities recently. In December, students baked cookes and made Christmas decorations with a local Girl Scout troop and then delivered the cookies and decorations to IV Pads, the homeless shelter in LaSalle.

During January, members held a bake sale, visited the LaSalle County Veterans home to play games with the residents, sent member B. Eddie Bauman to the Illinois Regional Jamboree at College of DuPage and co-sponsored a poetry contest with River Currents.

WHO'S THE CUTEST? Health Professions faculty are vying for the title of Cutest Baby as a fund-raiser for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Baby pictures of the faculty will be posted and the ballot box will be in B-209. Votes will be a quarter each.

RELAY FOR LIFE: IVCC will again host the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life on June 22-23, 2001. Last year 142 teams and 307 cancer survivors participated in the event which raised over $100,000. Two IVCC teams, one from the nursing department and one from the library, participated last year.

Further information is available from steering committee members Gloria Bouxsein, chair of the health professions division; Pam Mammano, nursing instructor; or Fran Brolley, public information director.

FREE DENTAL X-RAYS: Dental assisting students will be taking full mouth dental x-rays, free of charge, for IVCC students and employees. Available appointment times include Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. Some evening appointments are also available.

Pat Pearson, dental assisting instructor, said the procedure would take approximately 45 minutes. The radiographs will be mailed to the patient's dentist.

Appointments can be made in B-214 or at extension 359 or 227.

FINDING A JOB: IVCC’s 2001 job fair is scheduled for April 19 in the gym. This year JOBS 2001: A Career Odyssey will feature both day and evening hours with employers to be on campus from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.

Kathy Glascock, director of career planning and placement, said students should attend to talk with employers about full-time and part-time jobs as well as internships.

"Students should prepare now by getting their resume in order," she said.

More than 100 employers have attended the fair in past years. Information about employers who are attending is available in Career Planning and Placement

VOLUNTEERING FOR HISTORY: Volunteers are being recruited for the Hegeler-Carus Mansion in LaSalle, a National Historical Site. Volunteers are needed for public tour presentation, historical research, archiving and clerical.

Further information is available from Christine Ciesielski, tour coordinator, at 224-5892.

TUTORING WORK: Students interested in being a peer tutor should contact Mary Turchi in the Reading Lab or call 224-0233. A tutor must have earned an A or B in the class. Pay is $5.15 per hour.

STATE TRANSFER DAY: Representatives from 12 state universities will be on campus March 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the main lobby.

"March is the time to get serious about future plans as application deadlines, housing arrangements and orientations are already in progress," said counselor Jane Sack. "I recommend that all students who are planning on university studies take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their future school and the transfer process."

BOARD ELECTION: Two positions on the IVCC Board will be filled in the April 3 consolidated election. Kris Paul and Jimmie Landsford, whose terms expire at that time…..

Board terms are for six years.

UNION HEADS: Officers of the teachers union, elected in December 2000, are: Marge

Hunt, president; Cindy Schultz, vice president; Mike Sankovich, treasurer; Diane Christianson, recording secretary; Greg Oseland, corresponding secretary; Bob Reese, Cory Tomasson and Sue Caley, sergeants-at-arms. The officers will serve two-year terms.

The teachers are members of the American Federation of Teachers, local 1810.

VALENTINE’S BALL: The IVCC Foundation Second Annual Valentine’s Ball is Feb. 10, 2001 at Celebrations in Utica. The evening, which is open to the public, features music by Class Act, a 20-piece orchestra.

Cost for the event is $35 per person or $70 per couple. Further information is available at 224-0551.

 FRESHMEN NEEDED: The Apache is still accepting applications for the staff. Students are needed for news and sports writing, photography, graphic arts, cartooning, and page design.

The staff is also recruiting freshmen, interested in training for editorial positions for next year. All students, part-time and full-time, are eligible; no prior publishing experience is required.

Contact advisor Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, B-320, ext. 209, or e-mail rmlynch@ivcc.edu

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