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LETTER TO EDITOR:  What I wish I knew 

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Dear Editor,

What I know now that I wish I knew when I was 18.

I wish I had known how important it was to be in line with God. If I was in line with him back then, I wouldn't have gone through all the mess that I did go through. The life I live now is so much more peaceful than it was when I was 18. All the pressure, stress, pain and agony that I put myself through could have been avoided if I would have just listened to my parents and paid attention in church.

I wish that I had known that credit cards are nothing but trouble. One card leads to one after the other. Then you have a huge debt that you have no idea on how you're going to pay it.

I wish that I had known that there is no sense or need in worrying about things that you have no control over.

I wish I had known how valuable my parents' insights/opinions would be in my life. I may have gotten tired of all the lectures and talks, but they really are helpful. The talks I used to have with them are the same talks that I replay in my mind over and over again.

I wish I had known how much my parents really meant to me. I took things for granted growing up. I never knew or really cared how much they had to sacrifice for me. They gave up a lot in order for me to have. Now, the shoe is on the other foot. My values have changed and my purpose for life is so much different than what it was when I was 18.

I wish I had known how meaningful it was to have an education, college education. I never really downplayed having a college education because I wanted to be the first in my family to graduate from college. But I never knew the value of having that extra knowledge/background, until now. I am so blessed and lucky to be in the seat that I am in today.

I wish I had known that the decisions I made then would affect my well-being today. Some of my relationships with friends that I tried to impress went south. Some of the decisions got me into trouble with the law. Be yourself and don't let anyone put pressure on you. Believe me, it's easier said than done. Peer pressure in high school is nothing like peer pressure in college. I definitely wish I had known that.

I wish I had known how much I really appreciated my family when I was 18. I overlooked the good times when I was home. Now, I look back and wish they were happening now. Some of my family members live so far away that I hardly ever get a chance to see them. Now I really know how much I appreciated them being around every day.

Remember this amongst all the other things that I have shared with you. You never really miss anything until it's gone. You never know how valuable they are until they are gone. You are about to take some very big steps in life. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

Carl Woods

IVCC student from 1991-1993

(Woods was the founding member of People of the World End Racism at IVCC. Now living in Alabama, Woods graduated from Fairmont State College in West Virginia with a B.A. and M.S.)

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