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CLASH ON THE HILLTOP II:  College to host 3-on-3 tournament

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 Team openings are available for the April 21 "Clash at the Hilltop II" 3-on-3 basketball tournament on campus.

Men's age divisions for the double-elimination tournament sponsored by the Fitness Center are: 10 and under; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-23; 24-29; and 30 and over. Women's divisions are 14 and under; 15-18; and women's open.

Most games will be held in the main gymnasium. Boys divisions 10 and under, 11-12 and 13-14 will be held at Oglesby Washington Grade School.

Trophies for players of first, second and third place teams and consolation championship team will be awarded. Each player will receive a T-shirt and all games will have court monitors.

The $50 per team entry fee and application must be sent in by April 14. For an application call 224-0333, email Fitness Center Director Tony Ruda at ruda@ivcc.edu, or stop in the Fitness Center.