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Dear Editor

Hooray for the Security Staff for towing of cars in illegal areas (The Apache, March 19, 2001, "Crackdown on bad park jobs leaves 45 stranded"). My only criticisms are that it was not sooner and not often enough.

I think that I am one of the biggest complainers of the illegal parking because the faculty parking areas have always been filled with student cars when I am running from my clinical assignments, out of town, to IVCC to teach classes, and there are no parking spaces. Because nursing instructors have only one hour to finish work in the hospital, drive approximately 25 miles, eat lunch, and get ready for classes, it is very irritating to see young, able-bodied students taking up the faculty spaces.

To that 20-year-old sophomore who thinks that she can have any parking area (The Apache, March 19, 2001, "Editorial: Tickets are better than towing") -- pay your dues as a student! Then when you have your masters degree and get one little privilege, you can complain about students parking in your parking area.

Judith Krafcky

Nursing Instructor

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