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JUST A THOUGHT COLUMN:  Illinois Valley not as borning as advertised

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By Nate Bloomquist

In a flash, spring break has come and gone.  Oddly enough, it's not officially spring yet.  According to our survey of 163 students that the Apache conducted last month, 108 IVCC students stayed home instead of heading off to exotic locations.

Because the Illinois Valley area is rather quaint, it isn't very accomodating for college students.  This brings hundreds of 'socially-deprived' students to boredom.

Ultimately, binge drinking and other crises occur causing college students' lives to be in danger.  And this is all because 'There's nothing to do in the Illinois Valley."

That's tragic and untrue.

To escape the perils of boredom that can sometimes overshelm college students during spring break in the illinois Valley, some creativity is needed.

There is always the mini-exotic trip, which can provide an afternoon of entertainment.   A trip to Chicago or a day in Peoria or somewhere just out of state is always fun, just as long as friends and car games are involved.  Here's a few suggestions.

When driving on an interstate, there's a game called leap frog.  This involves passing a car, then slowing down, then passing the car again.  The other motorist then becomes confused, but sometimes will play right along.

There's also anti-leapfrog, which is the opposite of the previously mentioned game.   This is where the care is nearly passed, but then the passer quickly drops back before passing the other car.

But just because you aren't on the highway doesn't mean the fun should stop.  In town there is the infamous stop light game.  This is where the occupants of the car get out of the car when the light is red and dance like lunatics to the music playing in the car.  Bonus points are received for dirty looks and/or honks from other motorists. 

You don't have to be moving to have fun either.

Pull into any local drive thru, order something (not too expensive), and give the drive- thru attendant the money for the food.  Just before he or she passes the food along, floor it and laugh all the way out of the parking lot because of the puzzled look on the worker's face.

These things may seem strange, but in an area as strange and boring as outs, it's all we've got.

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