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SGA approves group, plans elections 

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The Student Government Association has approved a new campus organization and is making plans for sophomore elections to be held April 6 and 7.

Apache Pride, a straight/gay/bisexual alliance, was approved as a new club at the most recent SGA meeting. Approval required the group to present a list of at least 10 members and to have an advisor. SGA member Courtney Denton said the group had a membership list of between 20 and 25 and counselor Renee Jones and chair of the business and engineering division Sue Isermann had agreed to advise the group.

For the elections, petitions will be available in the Student Services Office beginning March 20. Positions to be filled include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, student trustee, sophomore representative and two sophomore programming board members.

Anyone who has sophomore status, is a full time student and has a minimum of 2.0 gpa is eligible to run.

The next SGA meeting is March 16 at 7:15 a.m. in C-103.

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