LETTER TO EDITOR: Supporters of GSA respond to columnist Back to Apache home page
To other letters in support of GSA
By Sue Isermann and Renee Jones
In response to Mr. Blomquist's column in the last issue of the Apache, I would like challenge his idea that our "...college and the area around.."' is not ready for change as represented by "...an organization like the newly formed Gay/Straight Alliance...".
If people waited until everyone is "ready" there WOULD NEVER BE ANY CHANGE!!! The United States was not ready for the Civil Rights movement. At that time most people did not find Martin Luther King 'uplifting'. Fortunately for us, he found the determination, faith, and strength to lead a movement.
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to go against what is acceptable and routine and safe. I appreciate the efforts the people in GSA are making to bring us all further along in accepting the tremendous diversity found in human beings!
I would invite anyone interested in having an open dialogue about this issue to contact me at ext. 330. Letters to the editor are fine, but I believe we can gain more understanding from talking.
Kim Abel
Nursing Instructor