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SGA Elections:  Brown elected president

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By Trisha Forney

Angela Brown won the Student Government Association presidency and most other SGA offices have been filled for the 2000-2001 school year.

Brown won with 147 votes over her opponent Chauntelle Biagi who had 71 votes and write in candidate Eric Carls who had 21.

"First of all I would like to get a new printer for the computer in the SGA office," Brown said. "I also plan to organize more student activities for the students to enjoy themselves and interact with other students and faculty members. I’d like to have more activities for the students to get involved."

The Vice Presidency went to Kristin Nienaber who won with 202 votes. All write in candidates for vice president had less than 10 votes each.

Doug Kramarsic won as a write in candidate for Treasurer with 42 votes and write in candidate T.J. Tempelton won Secretary with 21 votes.

Jacob Frost is the new Student Trustee with 220 votes. Write in candidates David Msseemmaa, 7 votes, and Brad Miller, 5 votes, won the Sophomore Programming Board Members over other write-ins.

The position of Sophomore Representative was a tie between Jenny Dischler and Keith Moritz, both with 4 votes.

"The two winners have been contacted and are considering their interest in becoming a member of SGA," said SGA advisor Cory Tomasson.

"I am very pleased with this year’s turnout," said Tomasson, noting tht 283 people voted.

"I’m also optimistic about the group of students that have been elected," said Tomasson. "They seem enthusiastic to get started."

Ahe most recent SGA meeting, April 20, the new members talked with outgoing members about issues that will be carried over to next year. The new members set a new agenda for the future issues and determined a new meeting schedule.

SGA members will meet in May to discuss budgets for campus activities. The organization requesting the money will submit a budget request form. The SGA will then make suggestions about the allocation of funds.

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