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Geology students trip on big rocks Nine students in Mike Phillip's Historical Geology class took a field trip to Dixon Springs in southern Ilinois from April 7 to April 10.

During their stay, the students had the chance to examine the rocks they have been discussing in class.   They looked for faults and fossils while gaining a better understanding of what Illinois used to look like.

On April 9, the students met Joe Devera, a geologist for the state of Illinois -- who is also a former IVCC student. The students and Devera visited Heron Pound State Natural area and Cyprus Swamp.

The end of the trip came with a tour of the geological department at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

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Photos by Deanna Alleman
Photo spread by Jennifer Petersen

top.JPG (53951 bytes) I'M UP ON TOP OF THE WORLD
John Puetz and Ryan McCann (left) enjoy the view
at Dixon springs.
climbing.JPG (55621 bytes) AN ALL TIME HIGH:
The guys from the geology
field trip try to reach
the top.
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Amy Pyszka, Amanda McNally and Jeni Ross
work away at the rocks in Dixon Springs.

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Robert Bendkowski looks on
while his classmates ascend
the rocks in search of knowledge.

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