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By April Biswell
What is "Cinco de Mayo?" "Cinco de Mayo" simply means fifth of May, but it is not just
another day of the year in Mexico. It is the Hispanic Independence Day, and it is being celebrated on the IVCC campus.
On May 5 , the Illinois Valley Hispanic Partnership is hosting a Cinco de Mayo Celebration in the Cultural Centre.
Entertainment includes the Mariachi - Cuerdes Mexicanas Band from Sterling, cash prizes to winners of a drawing and a 30-minute video presentation about the significance of the holiday.
The celebration starts at 6:30 p.m. and lasts until 9 p.m. The cost of admission is $2 in advance and $3 at the door for adults.
There is no charge for children under 12. Tickets are available at Margaret Allen's office in the Counseling Center.
Allen, who is acting as a liaison with the Hispanic Partnership, said, "We are trying to get an active council going to promote education and general awareness of cultural diversity."
Allen explained that in the 1800's France unsuccessfully tried to seize Mexico and on May 5 Mexico was officially declared independent.