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One Man’s Opinion column: College or kindergarten?

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Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion, or maybe it is just my imagination, but there seems to be a decline in simple respect and an increase in a lack of common sense in college classrooms. Please allow me to explain before you give an answer.

Example one: You are in your class waiting while the teacher takes attendance and there is a constant chattering, a deep sigh, a loud yawn from somewhere in the class, or the same person or people come in five minutes late everyday.

Example two: You are trying to take notes and participate during lecture and you constantly hear a faint whisper, car keys jingling, papers fluttering, food wrappers crinkling, and the fizz of a soda bottle.

Example three: There is three minutes left in class, the teacher is still lecturing and you hear folders, books, and notebooks being closed, book bags being zipped, and coats rustling to be put on.

If you can think of more examples, then you know what I am referring to. If you are getting pissed off as you read this, then stop reading. It only gets worse. If you choose to read on, pay attention to what I am about to say.

You do not have to take the time to act this way in class. You can go sit in the cafeteria, lobby, or building lounge areas, open up a bag of chips and a soda, shuffle up the euchre decks, and enjoy the day away. Better yet, instead of pulling into the parking lot, getting out of your car, trudging all the way across the campus, and going to class, stay in your car, and go to the mall or McDonalds for the day. This will be a great start to your future.

Besides disrupting the class, most of you are always the ones that complain about getting a bad grade on a test or that they do not understand an assignment, and the best thing about it is, it’s the teacher’s fault. You know what they are right.

It’s the teacher that tells you to talk to your friends in class and then close your notebooks three minutes before class is over. I think that the teachers should bring in some dolls, cars, and blocks for you to play with. Hell, if you are going act like a three year old in class, then you might as well play like one (sorry to all the three year olds I have just insulted).

If I seem anal retentive about this, so be it. The last time I checked, I was registered for college classes, and I thought there was a maturity level, both in respect and common sense, that needed to be attained. I assumed that college classes were for a gathering of adults, both young and old, who cared about the betterment of their education.

I was unaware that it would turn into a hangout for a few select morons (yes, I said morons) who believe in disrupting a class. I know I do not stand alone on this issue, because I have talked with students, both young and old, that have voiced their concern with your antics. We are here for an education.

Hell, you may even be here for one too, but there’s only one way to prove that you are. Act like a respectable mature adult, and show a little common sense towards your teacher and classmates.

If what you have just read is making you say "you know he has a point" or "this really does not concern me", then happy studying and have a nice day.

On the other hand, if what you have just read is making your ears warm and your face red (you should turn down the thermostat), is giving you the urge to call me a very nasty name (go ahead I have heard them all), or is making you want to beat the hell out of me in the parking lot (kids don’t try this at home), then I offer you two final solutions; go look in the mirror and see where the answer lies.

If that does not work then I offer you these six words to practice often, "do you want fries with that?"

Until later.


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March 15, 1999 the Apache