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Campus Comment Column: No place so close can make you walk so far

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What’s the most coveted prize at IVCC? One would think it is a degree or a certificate. Some would say a 4.0 gpa.

I would say it is a decent parking space. Since the geniuses that designed the parking lots decided that students should park at least one mile away from the building, I assume these individuals never attended a college, never planned on attending this college, never experienced inclement weather, or were slightly masochistic (or sadistic).

So what does the college do to remedy this situation? Raise the tuition, send a security guard out in a vehicle that always seems to have a great parking spot, and ticket and tow student vehicles that are parked in the faculty and staff lots.

The obnoxious, self-important jerks that take up two spaces in the student lots because they don’t want their car door dinged are ignored.

But, heaven forbid that a lowly student should park a vehicle in an empty parking slot in lots one or six in the middle of the day after most of the faculty and staff are already in the building.

So what can be done about this? Complaining without suggestions to fix the problem is useless. So I am asking you for your help.

Think of a way to fix the parking problem at IVCC, then e-mail the suggestion to me at Johnnie72@hotmail.com. Suggestions are welcome from anybody (faculty and staff included) and can be serious or humorous.

I will use the best of these suggestions, along with my own, in a future column. If you submit an idea, I will not include your name, unless you ask me to.

Someone in the position to fix this problem may read one of your suggestions and use some of the money from the forthcoming tuition increase to implement it.

One day we may all park in the same zip code as the college.

Editor’s Note:

The firm that designed the IVCC campus was based in California. If the campus were in California, we would enjoy a pleasant stroll in from the parking lots. Here in Illinois, however….


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March 15, 1999 the Apache