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Campus Comment Column: IVCC’s web site is boring, not useful

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Have you ever wandered into IVCC’s web site at www.ivcc.edu? Actually, you probably don’t want to because it is boring. It lacks updates and needs color, activity and excitement.

Information such as press releases and sports information needs to be included; there is no information on the site, for example, about the recently suspended women’s basketball season. Facts about what is happening on campus each week needs to be there, and more than one or two days in advance.

The faculty directory includes at least two instructors who retired two years ago, and Chuck Goodwin hasn’t been the head football coach since football was dropped in February 1997. Names of new staff members have been added, but names have not been taken off.

Only 25 faculty members, about a third of the full-time people, have web pages, and some lack creativity and are not updated. One has a fall 1997 schedule. Many of the faculty pages look like all of the others from that department. BORING.

Some faculty pages do include pictures of them, but there aren’t any pictures of the administration (and no administrators have web pages), and there aren’t any pictures of the school. Wouldn’t it be nice for students to be able to recognize administrators when they see them on campus?

Many student organizations, including the athletic department, don’t have web pages. Wouldn’t it be beneficial for people to know when and where a team plays, who is on the team (and what they look like), and who the coach is for contact information?

In a student life section is a class project from spring 1998 from a class taught by an instructor no longer on staff. And the photo on the home page has been there for about three years.

The web page also has no mention of the marketing slogan that is on radio and TV: "No place so close can take you so far."

Overall, the site needs updating, photos and animation.

The site does include a form for evaluating it; the form can be emailed or printed and mailed back. Why don’t you check the site out, go to the form and send your suggestions back.

Hopefully, the web page will become more useful and more eye appealing soon.

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