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FROM THE PRESS BOX COLUMN: Time for a change

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The college mascot or nickname, the Apache, seems old fashioned to me and in need of a change.

Most of the student body doesn’t really care, as the story on page 10 shows, but that may be because they never attend events, especially athletic events.

We have a mascot now that is never seen, but we need one to be at events, including home games. As someone who regularly attends IVCC sporting events, I believe that a mascot at events would help students become more adjusted to the college and maybe stay on campus.

We are no longer living in the 1940’s (when the Apache name was adopted), so let’s change our name to something that is more symbolic of the area, which could be something related to the river. Or how about something having to do with the valley?

A few administrators have suggested having a contest, but as the story on page 10 shows, we could have something like the big fix of ’47.

No matter how it is done, something needs to be done, because we are discriminating against people, and the Apaches weren’t even in this area.

IVCC is switching conferences and divisions; a lot is happening in athletics now. Why not switch names also.

Besides, maybe we ought to have an animal name, a tough name. Since we will be competing against schools our own size in our new conference, we can actually be tough.

Get with it. It’s time for a change!

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The Apache April 8, 1999