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ONE MAN’S OPINION COLUMN: Take time for yourself, enjoy

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It’s that time of the year, the end of another semester is near, graduation is just right around the corner, the last edition of the Apache is out, and my last column of the semester is done (good thing because I was getting blocked).

Instead of me spouting off my opinions, I would like to offer some friendly advice (look out Dear Abby here I come) on some real easy ways to relax this summer. I know, you are saying to yourself, I already know how I am going to do that (well then a couple more ideas are not going to hurt then).

The first way I would like to suggest is to become a grass roller (it’s not what you’re thinking) this summer. Simply put, a grass roller will find the time in a busy day, week, or month to lay back (yes in the grass) and watch the clouds roll by.

They are also the ones that find the time to roll around on the ground while they are down there (having someone you love or at least lust with you is an added bonus). Just one word of advice, watch out for nature’s surprises lying in the grass (god only knows where your neighbor’s dog has been).

The second way to find time for you is to take a long walk in a summer rainstorm, without an umbrella. I know that we all dread the word rain during the summer, but nothing beats the feeling of a warm summer rain hitting your face, as you walk hand in hand with that someone special (kind of pattern developing here, wouldn’t you say).

Hell while you’re out there walking, you might as well even try to catch the drops on your tongue (kind of childish, but who has more fun than a child).

The last thing I would like to offer to you is take a late night drive to the highest point in the Illinois Valley (the hill out here by the college is a nice spot), pull over to side of the road (at least for a couple minutes), and enjoy the lights of the cities below. I

know that a lot of people say that living here sucks, but have you ever taken a look at the cities when they are all lit up at night? There’s something about the lights reflecting off of the river that makes those feelings go away.

If you’re lucky enough, you may even hear a tune on the radio that reminds you of something good that happened to you in this area (I know that music can remind you of the bad, but this is all about the positive).

If you are lucky, you may even be out late enough (or early, depending on your time schedule) to sit and watch the sun come up over the river. I only have one word for that sight, Wow! If you do not know what I am talking about, try it before you knock it.

If you are reading this, trying to figure out what the hell I am saying (I told you I was getting blocked), well then let me tell you. I am telling you to make time for yourself in the simplest ways possible, even if it is just getting up to watch the sun rise (like anyone wants to be up that early in the summer), or walking in the rain (just watch the lightning).

Life goes and gets itself so damn complicated sometimes that we forget what it is like to do the simple things. So there it is, my offerings to you to remember the simple things and to find the time to enjoy them.

So in parting, I wish you all a safe, happy, enjoyable summer (be smart and don’t get yourself dead). I also want to say congratulations and good luck in your future to the G.E.D., Certificate, and Degree Graduates.

See you in the fall.

Until later.

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The Apache April 29, 1999