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 Confessions of a shopaholic  

   By Jessica Carver
   IV Leader Staff, Mar 15, 2007

    They say the first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem.
    I have a problem. I am a shopaholic. It started out small, picking up a few things here and there. I had the money, why not, right?
    Then it slowly progressed into something more, something much more. It was fine was I was little. I had no responsibility, what else would I spend my money on than myself?
    Of course I provided for birthdays and holidays for my family and friends. I got all the things I wanted as gifts, but if there something I could not possibly wait for, which was most likely a Barbie, I bought it for myself.
    Then I got a little older and got more allowance and more money for holidays. This is about the time I discovered fashion was the best thing on the entire planet.
    This is really where I became a shopaholic. I do believe it started because I had to wear a uniform to school throughout grade school. I was making up for not being able to look unique. When high school came, I had to wear a completely different outfit everyday.
    I needed clothes, or so I thought. I had to have all the latest fashions. I already had a pretty decent start from grade school. It was a benefit that for one, I was spoiled rotten, and two, I have not gained any weight since eighth grade, so all my clothes still fit.
    Then I got a job at the beginning of my senior year. Now I had a guaranteed $150 or so a week in a paycheck. I still had no bills, so I bought clothes, shoes, purses, accessories, everything. If I liked it, I bought it, because I had the money. I started running out of money when I was spending more than I was earning.
    When this began, I realized I did not need anymore fashion. The urge is still there, and on holidays, I go incredibly overboard. I am starting to spend money on others instead of myself, so this hopefully a step in the right direction.
    Someday I can declare I am no longer a shopaholic. Then again, who am I kidding?


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