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  Writer talks with new band Dear Me, Dear You

    By Ashley Lind
    IV Leader Staff

    While browsing through music profiles on MySpace.com, a highly popular web site amongst teenagers and adults a like, I came across the band Dear Me Dear You, which came from the split of the two bands, Somewhere Further South and The Goodbye.
Sure, it had the normal profile picture of the band and, of course, the musical description (post hardcore, scream-o and indie). However, opening the window to the site led me to hear edgy beats, lyrics that could make Dr. Phil look like an amateur and the sight of lots of love from all the fans.
    I had the chance to ask them some questions via email, and the following is what they said!

Ashley: On www.Dear Me Dear You.com it says you don’t want to become another cliché. What do you hope to do so that doesn’t happen? A lot of bands find it easier to be cliché don’t you think?
    Paul K: Clichés are interesting things... sometimes we need them to be able to identify with something. However, especially with the type of music we are making, certain elements I have noticed have been run into the ground. I have full respect for anyone able to create whatever music they make, I’d like to state that. Still, things get tired and stale before anyone notices. I’d like to avoid that. I always pay attention to criticism, keep my ears open to new sounds I feel are interesting and appealing to me, and just try to let the music I make be a reflection of me.
    John: It really is, and one thing that the band actually discussed was what direction we were headed toward; whether or not we wanted to be defined; or just put together what we feel like — no one really does that anymore.

Ashley: Who are the bands that you hope to play with someday and why?
    Pat: My dream show lineup in performance order is: Pussycat Dolls- Unparalleled lyrical depth (That and up until now the closest thing to a burlesque act we’ve had is Barry the Merch Girl taking his pants off) Gwar- explanation needed??? Dear Me Dear You - had to fill the third spot.
    John: I would love to play with Appleseed cast or Radiohead. Wow.... yeah they’re pretty much amazing.
    Rob: The Mars Volta, Circa Survive, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. The last two because it’s a wish list, but on serious note, these bands were probably my biggest musical influences, especially the drummers.
    Paul K: I I would LOVE to play with Horse the Band again.... or even just SEE them again, those guys were phenomenal. Most of the bands I’m biggest on are my friends bands. We played a show in April with El Oso, I Need Sleep, My Other Car is a Kayak and I Am Culprit... and it was probably the best time I’ve personally ever had as far as an entire evening is concerned. All of those bands are amazing talents in their own way and they are all comprised of tremendous people.
    Mike: I really don’t have a list of bands I’d like us to play with. We’ve made friends with a lot of guys in bands around here, so we’re always down for playing shows with them. Also, it’s great to play with big name acts every once in a while. Our biggest turnout was when we played with Horse The Band and Bear vs. Shark. There were about 300 people there and that was easily one of the most fun shows ever. So, whenever a show like that comes along, we jump at the opportunity to get on the bill.

Ashley: I’ve noticed you have tons of fans, especially for not being signed to a major label. Is there anything that sets your fans apart from others?
    John: “Tons” huh? You’re too kind. I love our fans, they have been there since the beginning and I hope they stay until the end. What separates them from other fans is that they are actually fans, not just people following people.
    Mike: I think one significant thing about our fans is the fact that they come from all over. A lot of local bands only have fans that are from one or two towns, but we all go to different schools. Pat lives in Chicago, Paul and I live in DeKalb, John lives in St. Charles and Rob lives in Schaumburg. I think that gives us an advantage because we can promote to all those areas instead of just one. I think that’s why we get fans from so many different places.
    Rob: I don’t know this for sure, but I think our fans are very loyal because we are approachable guys that have a great time around one another. When the chemistry is there, people want to be around, and that’s what we’ve got going for us. That...and the sexiness.

Ashley: What are five things that make you guys different from other up and coming bands?
    John: I really don’t know what to say that hasn’t been said a million times already. The one main thing that comes to mind is that we all bring different styles and knowledge of music to the table. We have jazz influences to grind-core - and somewhere in that crazy mix of music spawned Dear Me Dear You.
    Paul K: Five? Well, I don’t know about five... I think the biggest thing for me is style... we’re just way more hip than everyone.
    Rob: Chemistry, talent, experience, originality and sexiness.

So there you have it! Not only are these guys well on their way, but their kindness and humor is well appreciated by many.
Be sure to check them out on the internet at www.dearmedearyou.com or www.myspace.com/dearmedearyou.

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