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 ‘24’ is unlike all other shows

    By Matt Hudkins
    IV Leader Staff

    Jack Bauer, as played by Kiefer Sutherland, returns for another very long day in Fox’s hit drama, “24.”
    “24,” written by Evan Katz, is unlike any show on television today. It is based on a real time format where one episode is one hour of a day. Over 35 million viewers tuned in to see the premier of season five on Jan. 15 and 16 for two hours a night.
    Note to the new viewers: If you have never seen “24” before, it is not too late to start watching. You may not understand every little thing, but you will learn really quickly what is going on.
    In the first 20 minutes of the premier last week, long term viewers were in for the shock of their life.
    After faking his own death at the end of season four, Jack Bauer is forced out of hiding. Bauer gets a call from Chloe, a fellow employee that helped him escape, and tells him about David Palmer being killed. She also tells him that one of his friends, Michelle, has been killed and her husband Tony is in serious condition.
    She tells Jack that she thinks some one knows he is still alive. As the episode goes on, Jack finds out that he was framed for the murder of Palmer, and that the other murders were just a distraction.
    Unlike the other four days in this series, this one is going to be completely different.
    On the first day, Jack saves the president; on the second day, he saves a city; on the third day, he saves a nation; on the fourth day, he saves the world, and on the fifth day, he has to save himself. It is evident that some times the men sworn to keep us safe, are the most dangerous of them all.
    So far, Sutherland has not signed on for another season, if there will even be one. This means that Jack’s life will be in even more danger than ever before. Every beat of his heart and every close call could turn out to be his last.

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