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A SUNNY VIEW COLUMN:  The lousy excuses of the lame

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By Sunny Tunget

 I am so irritated (for lack of a better publishable word) by lame excuses for getting out of school or work.

I have heard people use the excuse "my grandma died" before. That is a good excuse if it’s true. The problem is that for some people their poor grandma has died four or five times.

Another excuse I have heard is "the dog ate my homework." Unfortunately, I had to use that excuse because my puppy thought my book bag was his chew toy. My mother had to write a note so the teacher would believe me on that one.

Most recently, some people have used the excuse that a family member was in one of the World Trade Center buildings when none of them were actually there.

I understand that people were shaken up about the terrorist attacks; I was and still am. I also understand missing class at that time. I felt it was more important to find out what was going on than to sit in class and worry.

I had family not too far from the Pentagon when the plane crashed into it. I also have family in Pennsylvania. I was freaked out when the news reported that a plane crashed at an undisclosed location in Pennsylvania. I was a wreck until I heard from my family in Pennsylvania on the night of Sept. 11 and from my family in D.C. on the following evening. But I didn’t lie to my instructors and tell them I had family who died in the attacks.

Believe it or not, someone will know that you are lying with an excuse like that, and they will blab. Eventually, your boss or instructor will probably find out.

Instead of using a lame excuse, just fess up. Tell your boss the truth about why you aren’t coming to work. Tell your instructor that you just didn’t feel like going to class that day. Most of your instructors understand that not all students will be there every day anyway. They understand that sometimes you need a break. If you don’t feel like going to work or class, don’t, but don’t lie.

That lame excuse that you use today may be a real excuse you need a month from now.

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