TRANSFER TALK: Representatives from transfer universities will be on campus on the following dates to talk with prospective transfer students.
- Nov. 7 - University of Illinois-Springfield, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Nov. 9 - Lewis University, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Nov. 14 - Eureka, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The representatives will be in the main lobby.
REGISTRATION BEGINS: Registration for spring semester begins Nov. 5 at 8 a.m.
Kelly Conrad, director of admissions, said students should see a counselor before that date if they need help in planning a schedule.
Faxed and phone registrations will be accepted beginning Nov. 6 and will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.
"Students should be reminded that prerequisites will be checked electronically, and if a student doesn't meet a prerequisite, he or she will be required to have a counselor or instructor approve entry into the course," Conrad said.
POWER-ful ACTIVITIES: Members of People of the World End Racism are participating in Make a Difference Day Oct. 28.
The IVCC students will take six area children shopping at Target for shoes, coats, and other clothing. Kim Abel, POWER advisor, said Target provided a $300 grant to help fund the shopping.
This is the third year for POWER to sponsor this activity.
ALLIANCE MEETINGS: The Gay/Straight Alliance will be meeting at noon Nov. 7 in F-113, Nov. 28 in C-316 and Dec. 12 in the Fireplace Lounge.
THANKS FOR RELIEF DRIVE: The relief drive sponsored by Americorps and Phi Theta Kappa raised $1,615. The donations have been given to the Red Cross to help attack victims and their families
Kirk Lockwood, PTK advisor, said special recognition should be given to the Student Government Association which matched all other donations.
"Obviously, we far exceeded our original goal of $500," Lockwood said. "That we were able to raise more than $1,600 is a wonderful indicator of the outstanding character and genuine concern of our college family."
pHun CHEM SHOW: The Chem Club will be presenting a pHun Chem Show at 7 p.m. Nov. 9 in the lower gym. The program, offered in observance of National Chemistry Week, is open to the public free of charge. The theme of the national observance is "Chemistry and Art."
CHEM GROUP WINS GRANTS: The Chem Club has received two grants from the national American Chemical Society. The Innovative Activities Grant provides support for the group's pHun chemistry shows performed for young children and for the Christmas party the organization gives for underprivileged children.
The Community Interaction-Student Affiliates Grant supports the group's Rivers Project.
Robert Byrne is the Chem Club advisor.
CHINA TRAVEL: A five-week study program to China is being offered through College of Lake County this summer.
The trip, including flight, travel in the country, accomodations and food is between $27,00 and $3,000.
Further information is available from Amanda Bigelow, coordinator of international education, at 224-0203.
th Annual College Night is scheduled for Nov. 1 on campus. College representatives will be available between 6:30 and 8 p.m. in the lower gym.KEYNOTING: Mary Lou Meader, director of continuing education and external learning, was the opening keynote speaker at Opportunities 2001, in Albany, Ore. on Oct. 4. She also led a one-hour workshop session about the IVCC WorkWays Team at that Oregon conference on Oct. 5.
PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP: IVCC president Dr. Jean Goodnow will participate in a presidential panel at the American Association for Women in Community Colleges National Conference in Chicago Oct. 25 - 27.
DROPPING OUT CAN COST YOU MONEY: Students on financial aid who drop out or stop attending classes may have to pay back a portion of the aid they received.
"If you stop attending or drop out, then you are not earning you aid," said Paul Crawford, director of financial aid. "If you don't earn it, you will have to pay it back."
Questions about financial aid can be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
TUTORING OFFERED: Peer tutoring is being offered, free of charge. The tutoring center is located in room B-201 between the math and reading labs. Anatomy and chemistry tutors are available in their respective labs. Schedules are available at the Records Office, Bookstore, Library, Counseling Center, and Project Success.
Students interested in tutoring assistance in any subject should contact Mary Turchi at ext. 520, room A-317.
FORMER DEAN PUBLISHES: Dr. Hans Andrews, former Academic Dean of IVCC, has published a book entitled "The Dual-Credit Phenomenon: challenging Secondary School Students Across 50 States." Dr. Andrews is the President of Olney Central College in Olney, Ill.
JOIN THE NEWSPAPER STAFF: Positions are still open on the the student newspaper staff. The staff is especially looking for anyone interested in art, cartooning, illustrating and in movie reviewing. Positions are also available in news, sports or opinion writing, photography, and page layout. Contact advisor Dr. Rose Marie Lynch in B-320, extension 209 or 223-2261 (home).