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Building C to close in July 2002

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By Brooke Fisher
Apache Co-Editor

Eating lunch, studying for tests and playing a game of cards will no longer be possible, at least within the cafeteria. The cafeteria, and the rest of building C, will close for renovations that begin this summer.

Renovations will begin in July 2002. Offices will begin their move during March 2002.

The renovations that will occur are the changes that were done to Building A & B, including replacing air handling ducts and the removal of asbestos.

President Dr. Jean Goodnow along with administrative offices will temporarily make a new home in the basement of Building D. Many student services that include Admissions & Records and Financial Aid will move to Building E, near to the Counseling Center.

Other offices in this move include: the student government office which will be re-located somewhere in Building B, the bookstore which will be in the upper gym and the materials section of the library which will be condensed and moved into the section of the library that is in Building A. The vending machines will be located in the tunnels of Building D and E.

Larry Rousey, director of the physical plant, said that the "substantial completion is scheduled for April 1, 2003 with the Capital Development Board’s official sign off of project scheduled for July 1, 2003."

Most all of the offices will be moved back into the building between April 1 and April 30, 2003.

Rousey said, that these renovations are "to insure the safety and security of all students, faculty and staff."

The project is being handled by BLDD Architects and the CDB.

There was no projected date set for the start of the project due to state funding and guidelines set by the CDB.

"The state granted the college funding due to the nature of the project in order to secure the safety of the students, faculty and staff," Rousey said.

The main entrance of the college will remain the same but traffic will be redirected during the construction period. Two doors will be cut into the north wall of the link directly north of the main entry doors. There will be a decked surface constructed outside these doors that will include an American With Disabilities Act accessible ramp and stairs that lead to the east entrance into the E Building.

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