REEL REVIEWS COLUMN: Trailer worth cloning
By Nick Tintori and Micah Riordan
Breath-taking. Out of this world. Stunning. Amazing. Spectacular. Awesome. There is only one thing that this could be about, Star Wars Episode II trailer. This time it isnt no rinky dink thirty second trailer, no its a full two minutes of nothing but action and spectacle.
The trailer starts out with some lovey dovey stuff, but if youre a fan it will end up kicking your a-- to next week. Just when you think the trailer is just about romance, BAM, they hit you with everything you have come to expect from a Star Wars movie, only more than the eye can handle. There are lightsabers, guns, flying things, space ships, betrayal, anger, and one pissed off Yoda.
The opening shows the blossoming relationship between Anikan and Amidala. There are a couple scenes with them talking and having fun and then they end up kissing. Then it all turns from there because Anikan, being a Jedi knight, is not able to love. Then the betrayal starts, anger grows, and things get broken. That part of the trailer is easy to follow.
Then the trailer hits you with a barrage of awe-inspiring special effects. Scene after scene of incredible images leave you hanging, breathing heavily, and just plain exhausted. Just the sight of fighting with lightsabers is jaw dropping, not to mention Obi Wan hanging on a little flying saucer thing, flying through the air at unmentionable speeds, while he is hanging on by one hand. Then BOOM!, there is a slash across the screen with a lightsaber. Scenes of eye-popping effects hit you again. After this, the worst part of it happens, it ends.
The trailer actually goes by too quick. If youre a fan of Star Wars, it will leave you with wanting more, guessing what is coming next. You want to go out and build yourself a time machine so you can fast forward six months and see the movie in the theatre.
This trailer can be seen on the beginning of the kiddie movie "Harry Potter," but if you have no intention on seeing the Potter film just go to There is a downloadable version of the trailer on the site. Of course its not the same as going and seeing it on the big screen. But if you have to see the trailer on the big screen, we recommend you pay for a movie that you want to see and just theatre hop into "Harry Potter" for the preview.