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University A & E Events:
Bradley, ISU, NIU
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- Sept. 8- Oct. 21- The Artificial Desert: Photographs by Philip Melnick at
the NIU Art Gallery in Chicago.
- Sept. 7-17- Guys and Dolls presented by Bradley Theatre, varying show
times at the Hartmann Center for the Performing Arts.
- Sept. 17- Illinois State University Symphony Orchestra Piano Benefit Concert, 7
p.m. at the ISU Bone Student Center, Braden Auditorium.
- Sept. 21- Dancing Wheels, 7:30 p.m., NIU, at the Boutell Memorial
Concert Hall.
- Sept. 22- 23- New Faces, presented by Bradley Theatre, 8 p.m. at the
Hartmann Center.Sept. 24- Wind symphony, 3 p.m. at the ISU Bone Student Center Ballroom.
- Sept. 27- NIU Wind Ensemble, 8 p.m. at the Boutell Memorial Concert Hall.
- Sept. 28-Oct. 8- The Grapes of Wrath adapted by Frank Galati, varying
show times at ISU, Centennial East-Westhoff Theatre.
- Oct. 3- Faculty recital by S. Blake Duncan, oboe, 7:30 p.m.at the Dingeldine
Music Center, Bradley University.
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