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SGA: Elections held, activities budget approved

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By Erin Peters
Apache Staff

IVCC’s annual Student Spirit day is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 13. The main event of this day will be the Pow Wow held at the east field from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students are encouraged to wear purple and participate in the day’s events.

Student Government Association President Angela Brown said “I am very excited about the Pow Wow and looking forward to it. It’s events like the Pow Wow that help students want to get involved in IVCC activities. Hopefully the turnout will be as high, if not higher than last year.”

Brown is also excited because “I will be Grand Master of a giant game of Twister with as many contestants as we can get on the boards.”

Freshman elections, held Sept. 13 and 14, had a good turnout, according to SGA officials.

“We were very pleased with this year’s turnout,” ssaid advisor Cory Tomasson. “We were hoping for between 200-300 voters and we were closer to the 300 mark. I have talked with all three of the winners and all of them seem like they will do a good job representing the students of IVCC.”

The two new members of the programming board are Eric Mathieu and write-in candidate John Hartenbower. Newly elected freshman representative Lisa Twardowski, who won by 24 votes over Amy Petelin, said that she was very excited about the opportunities she has to help students.Twardowski, whose older brother Jeff was once SGA president, wants to see more student unity at IVCC.

“I encourage all students to participate in the many activities that will be sponsored by the SGA and all other organizations,” said Twardowski. “A great opportunity to begin would be to attend the 2nd Annual Spirit Day and Pow Wow.”

SGA recently announced a finalized budget of over $130,000. This money comes from the $2 activity fee that students pay per credit hour. The fee is increasing to $2.25 in the spring.

For the most part, the amounts allotted to student organizations have remained the same except for a few cutbacks. The budget has decreased due to a slight decline in enrollment this year. SGA, who prepared the budget, took the biggest cut, which allowed most other organizations to keep the same allocations.

According to Tomasson, if there is money left over in the spring it can be distributed to groups that need a little extra.

The Legislative Branch of SGA held a brief orientation meeting in the cafeteria on Sept. 26. Overseeing the meeting in the absence of Vice-President Kristin Nienaber was Tomasson. The Legislative Branch, which serves as a communications outlet, is comprised of student representatives of campus organizations.

Less than half of IVCC’s 28 organizations were represented. Tomasson stressed the importance of attendence at Legislative meetings because organizations that have more than two absences throughout the year will lose voting privileges and funding.

Organizations were invited to become involved in Student Spirit Day.

Future meetings for the Legislative Branch are tentatively scheduled for every third Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the cafeteria. According to the SGA web site, the regular meetings of the Executive Branch, which is made up of the SGA members, have now been scheduled for every other Tuesday at 7:15 a.m. in room C-316.

The next meeting is Oct. 17. Interested students are encouraged to attend.

SGA Officers-Members

President Angela Brown
Vice President Kristin Nienaber
Secretary T.J. Templeton
Treasurer Doug Kramarsic
Student Trustee Jacob Frost
Sophomore Representative
Jen Dischler
Sophomore Programming Board Dave Msseemmaa
Freshman Representative Lisa Twardowski
Freshman Programming Board Eric Mathieu
John Hartenbower

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