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CORRECTION: On page 8 of the Oct. 5, 2000 issue of the Apache, the photo caption of tennis player Missy Poulakos incorrectly reads "Going for the triple axle." It should be "Going for the triple axel."

Librarian Frank Frostestad caught the error and notified the Apache that, "Axles are on cars or wagons. In figure skating it is an axel, whether it is single, double or triple."

FITNESS CENTER FOOD DRIVE: The Fitness Club is conducting its Third Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive through Nov. 16. Tony Ruda, center director, encouraged students, faculty and staff to bring non-perishable food items to the Educational Fitness Center. Food will be donated to the Illinois Valley Food Pantry.

Ruda said anyone donating 10 or more items will be eligible to win "a stylish Fitness Center T-shirt" to be given away on Nov. 20.

"We are hoping this year's food drive will surpass our previous records of the past two years," Ruda said.

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