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 By Olivia Cendejas

The Presidential debate on Oct. 17 was an eye opener. A college professor asked Al Gore and George Bush why most college students chose not to vote. Gore’s response was that young people look at things idealistically and are afraid of being let down.

Bush on the other hand did not even attempt to answer the question.

Gore’s outlook displayed an extremely general view for such a delicate subject. Such a response from a well-educated man is disappointing because it is obvious that not very much thought went into it. There are many other reasons why students choose not to vote. Comments like Gore’s push students away from voting because the students feel they are looked at as unimportant and up in the clouds.

Young people need to feel included and for that to happen the leaders of our country need to inform people on issues that interest a wide range of ages including the youth. One student I talked to said "I do not feel that I am well informed." Another said, "They (candidates) concentrate more on ripping on each other than on informing people."

The candidates are focusing on and trying to please the groups of people who are the most prone to vote. They have chosen to ignore college students because they don’t expect very many to vote.

The only way young people are going to be heard is if they vote. Student Chuck Matthews said "Most students feel that their vote is not going to make much of a difference, and they do not realize that all our votes put together do."

It is time for college students to take some action.

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