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TRANSFER TALK: Representatives from transfer universities will be in the main lobby to talk with prospective students on the following dates:

- Oct. 26 - Eureka, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Nov. 6 - EIU, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Nov. 15 - Eureka, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

- Nov. 20 – NIU, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

CJA MEETING: The next Criminal Justice Association meeting is at 2 p.m. Nov. 7 in C-316.

GAY-STRAIGHT ALLIANCE: Meetings of the Gay-Straight Alliance are scheduled for Nov. 1 at noon and Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. in the Fireplace Lounge. Further information is available from advisors Sue Isermann at 224-0483, e-mail isermann@ivcc.edu, or from Renee Jones at 224-0366, e-mail jones@ivcc.edu

MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Members of People of the World End Racism are recognizing Make a Difference Day Oct. 28 by taking needy children out for pizza and on a shopping trip.

On Oct. 16, seven POWER members spoke to fourth-graders at Lincoln School in Ottawa on tolerance and acceptance of others. Participating were Juana Chavez, Darryl Stuggis, Marissa Laicoff, Dan Floyd, Lori Mavity, Maurice Chaffey and Dave Msseemmaa.

PROJECT SUCCESS EVENTS: Upcoming events sponsored by Project Success include:

- Attend "Tony and Tina's Wedding," an interactive play, on Nov. 3 in Chicago

- Campus visits to ISU and EIU Nov. 10

Further information is available from the Project Success office in the top floor of building E.

PLAYING THE MARKET: Members of Students in Free Enterprise are teaching children at the L-P Christian School in LaSalle about the free enterprise system and the stock market. In a repeat of a project SIFE conducted last year, IVCC students are performing a stock market game through Nov. 19.

Bob Reese, a SIFE advisor, said the IVCC team enjoyed last year's game.

"The children made more money than their professional competitors at a local bank," Reese said.

NEED HELP WITH YOUR RESUME? A workshop on "Resumes and Cover Letters: Tips, Hints and Highlights" will be presented at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 14 in D-225, free of charge. The workshop will provide fundamentals on constructing or updating a resume and cover letter.

Kathy Glascock, director of career planning and placement, said participants would be encouraged to have a follow-up visit with her office. Further information is available at 224-0214 or e-mail kglascoc@ivcc.edu

CHEMISTRY GRANT: The IVCC Chem Club has received a $462 grant from the Lake Education Assistance Program for a project that will involve fourth and fifth grade students in testing of the water in the college pond.

Chem Club advisor Bob Byrne, who applied for the grant, said the project will consist of three sessions with the grade school children and will include bringing to students to the pond to do the testing. Part of the transportation costs are being provided by the Illinois Valley Area Career Center. LEAP is an education initiative offered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

FREE DENTAL SERVICES: The Dental Clinic in B-214 is providing free services to students, faculty and staff. Services include examinations, X-rays, sealants and simple fillings. Dr. Terrence Danek is working with the dental assisting students to provide those services.

The clinic is open on Friday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. Appointments can be made by calling program director Pat Pearson at ext. 359 or 227.

IMMUNIZATIONS ON CAMPUS: The Nursing Department is co-sponsoring a Flu/Pneumonia Immunization Clinic with Illinois Valley Community Hospital and the Hygienic Institute Nov. 1 from noon to 3 p.m. in F-114.

The clinic is open to all students, faculty and staff. Cost of the flu vaccine is $10; cost of the pneumonia vaccine is $20. A doctor's order is required for the pneumonia shot; no doctor's order is needed for the flu shot for people 18 years of age and older.

Further information is available from Bonnie Grusk at ext. 268.

SPRING SCHEDULE ONLINE: IVCC's spring 2001 schedule is now available online at the college website.

"This is the earliest we've ever had the schedule available for public viewing," said Internet technologist Bob Hunter. "Students can now plan their schedules prior to the start of registration."

Spring semester registration begins Nov. 6.

LOOKING FOR A LAB? Computer lab LRC-D is open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jacobs Library is also open during those hours.

CANDIDATE VISITS: Democrat Jim Stevenson, a candidate in the 11th Congressional district, will be on campus Oct. 27 to speak to students in BIO 1000 -- Global Environment, at 1 p.m.. Stevenson will address the class on his position on environmental issues. The class is taught by Mike Phillips.

NEWSPAPERS AVAILABLE: The cafeteria is now selling five newspapers, manager Paul Liddle announced today. Publications available are: The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Investors’ Business.

PUT YOUR NAME IN PRINT: The Apache is still accepting applications for the staff. Students are needed for news and sports writing, photography, graphic arts, cartooning, and page design.

All students, part-time and full-time, are eligible; no prior publishing experience is required.

Contact advisor Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, B-320, ext. 209, or e-mail rmlynch@ivcc.edu

EDUCATING ADULTS: The IVCC Adult Education program is offering GED and ESL programs throughout the local communities. Classes are offered at no charge to the student and registration is on-going.

Students are being accepted on campus and at Depue, Marseilles, Mendota, Ottawa, Streator, Princeton and Spring Valley.

For information call 224-0358 or 224-0476.

NEED HELP WITH A CLASS? Help with classes is available free of charge through the Peer Tutoring Center, located in B-315. Coordinator Mary Turchi said help is available in most subject areas. The schedule, by subject, is posted on bulletin boards throughout the campus.

Further information and applications for tutoring assistance are available in LRC-B, ext. 233.

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