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Task force for beautification formed

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By April Biswell

Apache Staff

IVCC students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of the college campus.

A beautification task force has recently been appointed to begin making the campus more welcoming to everyone.

Co-chairpersons of the task force are art instructor Dana Collins and groundskeeper Mike Minnick. The committee consists of philosophy instructor Bob Abele, life science instructor Sue Caley Opsal, and theatre instructor Dr. David Kuester.

"We are looking for ideas," said Collins. "We want to make the campus more beautiful. We want to make the environment more comfortable for everyone."

Collins said so far the task force has received 40 e-mails with suggestions. Some of the ideas include planting flowers and grasses native to the area, improving the courtyard, creating areas where students and faculty can have meetings and talk on the groups, hanging artwork from the ceiling in the lobby, creating a rock garden, and displaying more student art throughout the building.

"We have also talked to the historical society about displaying quilts and other items of local and historical interest," she said. "We would like to get the community involved as much as possible.

"Another interesting idea is to construct a bell tower. This is an expensive project but we could ask people to donate the materials needed to make it. It is a feasible idea."

Collins said after the committee receives enough suggestions, they will decide which projects are doable. She said some projects may take more money.

"We may have to seek additional funding from the community for some projects. We may also ask colleges organizations if they would like to fund and maintain certain projects."

Last year, for the first time, the college had a fund raising campaign encouraging employees to donate to the IVCC Foundation. Seventy percent of the faculty and staff donated a total of $29,000. The beautification task force received $2,000 of those donations to start beautifying the campus.

"This is seed money for a long-term commitment to making the college more welcoming," Collins said. "There isn’t a finish date for the project; this is a continuing goal."

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