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$14 million overhaul
being planned

IVCC plans to add a Community
Instruction Center, giving the campus
a totally new look, if state funding
is approved.

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By Nate Bloomquist

If everything goes as planned, IVCC will eventually have a completely new look. Over the summer, IVCC took the first steps toward a $14 million overhaul of the college to include a Community Instruction Center.

The center will be added to buildings A and C. The addition will also be built around the Cultural Center.

IVCC will seek $10,558,000 from the state and will have to foot the bill for the remaining cost of the addition. Despite the hefty price tag, IVCC’s dean Dr. Jean Goodnow said the addition will be worth the price.

"I think the changes and the building are well worth the cost that has been presented," she said. "It will provide several more opportunities for the students."

In order for the college to receive funding for the addition, the school must present a tentative blue print to determine the square footage of the addition. Larry Rousey, director of facilities, said from the tentative blue print, the total area of the addition is 64,200 square feet.

"That’s really a lot of space to work with," Rousey said. "We can do so much with the new addition."

The blue prints also included several areas for student activities, a new theater, an art gallery, and something Rousey called a "Black-box theater," where student activities of different sorts can be held.

"That is something we believe the students will really like," Rousey said. "After all that’s who we’re planning to build all of this for — the kids. We can’t lose sight of that."

The announcement of the new plans comes at a time when enrollment at IVCC is up and class room space is limited. Several classes at the school this year aren’t being held in regular classrooms. Rousey said with the new addition, the need for additional class rooms will be met.

The addition is part of the IVCC ‘Master Plan.’ The plan is included in three large volumes in Rousey’s office. He says the plan is something that was developed by BLDD Architects working with his predecessor, Ralph Niemeyer.

"It’s a plan of what we want for IVCC’s future; specifically for the next 15 years," said Rousey. "It’s not really set in stone, but we’re going to try to follow it as best as we can."

The plans for the new construction are preliminary. IVCC hasn’t officially received the funding for it from the state yet. Rousey said if things go as planned, the construction will be complete in five to eight years. He said the school will need two to three years for planning and two to four years for the construction itself.

"We’ve just gotten the ball rolling," said Rousey who has been a building planner for 20 years. "But this is going to be fun once we get the funding. I just absolutely love planning and building."

One of the preliminary building plan’s biggest selling points is the new entrance designed for the college. The school will feature a cylindrical glass grand entrance. Rousey said that will take IVCC "out of hiding."

"Right now we’re kind of hidden," he said. "It’s really important that when we rebuild the entrance we have something people recognize. We want to be able to see the school from Interstate 39 and from far away. We want passers-by to say, ‘hey that’s IVCC.’

Plans also include the addition of a student center that will house various student activities such as student government and the Apache. Goodnow said she believes the additions will put IVCC even with if not ahead of other community colleges.

"Most other community colleges have opportunities for training in business and in industry," she said. "Most of the other colleges have lots of space for activities and such; we haven’t had lots of space in a long time."

The last major building progress was in 1980. Goodnow said the timing in planning for the new construction is perfect.

"I think the board of trustees is directing us to stick with the master planning," she said. "I think we’ve been really moving around in a timely fashion."

As the planning continues, Rousey will play an important role in the process. He will be the link between the architects, the engineers, and the college.

"I’m really looking forward to being a part of the process," Rousey said. "I can’t wait to help make IVCC a better college."

Rousey’s boss agreed.

"I’m really looking forward to it," said Goodnow. "We’ll have to wait and see if the state will be able to get us funding, but I think it’s definitely worth the wait."

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