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Two run for SGA

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Two students have filed for the three freshman posts to be filled in Student Government Association elections Sept. 9 and 10 in the lobby.

Jacob Frost of Princeton is running for the office of representative, and Nathan Holmes of Princeton is running for one of the two slots on the programming board.

All students are eligible to vote. Any student with freshman status in good standing and enrolled in at least 12 credit hours this semester is eligible to be elected as a write-in candidate.

Apache questionnaires were distributed to all students who took out petitions for the freshman posts. Printed below are the verbatim responses from the only candidate who returned a questionnaire.



Age: 19

High School: Princeton

Major: Political Science

Experience in IVCC activities:

I am currently enrolled in 17 credit hours at IVCC.

Experience in student government:

I was actively involved in advisory board and was band president in high school.

Why are you running for the SGA?

I would like to help contribute to the cause of IVCC's mission statement goals, while insuring that student needs and wants are heard.

Why that particular office?

I would like to be the open and dependable voice of the freshman class.

What are your qualifications?

I feel that my experience in dealing with people and my ability to listen and communicate would be valuable assets to the position.

Are there issues that the SGA should address?

There are always issues with any particular government establishment, as a perfect form of government does not or cannot exist. The government itself should always be willing to review old doctrine and test the new per the will of the governed.

Suggestions for getting students more involved in campus life?

Students need visible proof of the effectiveness of student government as an extension of the student body themselves, not as a figurehead set up to please the ignorant masses. Students will only participate in student activities if they can really feel they are an essential part of it.

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