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SGA appoints officers, schedules events

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Appointing officers and setting activities for the year have been the major items on the Student Government Association agenda this fall.

John Pfundstein, elected vice president in the spring elections, has been appointed president due to the resignation of president-elect Jason Wertz.

Cory Tomasson, SGA advisor, said "Jason resigned due to academic commitments, which we have stressed in student activities from the beginning. Classes always come first before any extra curricular activities."

Courtney Denton, elected to the secretary post in the spring, has been appointed to be vice president, and sophomore Missy Reutner, appointed as secretary.

Other officers, selected in the spring, are: Tony Nevicosi, treasurer; Ruth Irwin, sophomore representative; Lori McCollum, sophomore programming board member; and Al Steinz, student trustee.

A second sophomore programming board member has yet to be appointed.

Activities scheduled for the year include:

Freshman elections, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sept. 9 - 10 in the lobby.

Mentalist Chris Carter, 11 a.m. to noon, Oct. 18 in the Cultural Centre.

Comedian Owen Smith, 11 a.m. to noon, Jan. 18 in the Cultural Centre.

"Can You Name that Tune" game show, 11 a.m., Feb. 22 in the cafeteria.

SGA sophomore elections, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 6 - 7 in the lobby.

Actuality Racing, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., April 25 at the front entrance.

In the first activity of the year, the SGA organized the Pow Wow, a showcase for campus organizations, on Sept. 1. The event featured rock climbing, jousting, and sumo wrestling.

Pfundstein said, "It was great; the turnout was good, but could have been better."

The new president said he was disappointed that more students didn't take advantage of it.

"I also wish the teachers had really encouraged their students to come out and participate," he said.

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