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Miss America due for change?

POINT OF VIEW COLUMN: Miss America Pageant finally getting with times

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We are approaching the new millennium, and what better time then to change the Miss America Pageant.

After over 75 years, the pageant committee is finally realizing that women from back then and women today do not have the same standards.

We no longer have to be told what to think, and we have lives outside of being wives. We have our own minds and our own rights. There is no "ideal" American woman today. How could we have an ideal woman, when we are all different.

Why can’t a women who has had an abortion have good morals and values? We don’t know what may causes someone to have an abortion or get a divorce, but it’s not necessarily immortality or lack of values.

The pageant committee should realize that we are not women of the past but women of the future. They should also realize that women should not be discriminated against just because of their past.

Children/young people could learn from a Miss America who admits her problems instead of putting them under the rug.

We are not perfect, and we need to realize that Miss America is not either and stop putting her up on a pedestal.

We all have skeletons in our closet, one or two secrets in our past, that we wish to forget and why should Miss America be any different?

It probably took a great deal for Miss America to get up on the stage in front of millions of people, and she should be commended for that.

We are women of the future not the past, and it is time that the Miss America pageant realized it.

To read an opposing view

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