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ONE MAN’S OPINION COLUMN: A reason to give thanks

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I’m back! I have finally found the time once again to pick up my poison pen and bring your emotions to the verge of humor, hysteria, or hatred. Before doing so, I must say thanks to some people.

First, I would like to say thanks to Dr. Lynch for allowing an over emotional, deadline missing moron (yea, that’s me) a second chance to be on the Apache staff. Second, I want to say thanks to all the readers who have told me they have missed my column this semester (it feels good to know you care, so I hope I don’t disappoint you).

Finally, I want to say thanks to my counselor (hi Meg) and all my teachers for helping me get through some rough spots in this semester (see kids, they do work with you when you go to see them). By the way, I am not trying to pick up any suck ass points with them; I really mean it.

So do you get the theme of this column yet? If you guessed it’s about giving thanks, give yourself a big pat on the back (or at least do whatever you have to make yourself feel good).

It’s that time of the year again. It’s time for families across this great nation to gather around their tables in celebration of Thanksgiving. It’s time for turkey (try it deep-fried this year, if you already haven’t), mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, creamed corn (accept no substitutes), stuffing, and grandma’s secret recipe pumpkin pie (just don’t forget the cool whip).

Then it’s time to loosen the belt strap and pants button, kick back on the sofa or Lazy Boy, fire up the idiot box (oops, I mean television set), and watch football until Grandpa Joe and Uncle Bob (okay so maybe it’s not Joe and Bob but I hope you get the idea) argue themselves into their after lunch nap.

Then comes time for food phase two and another bout with Tom Turkey and all the trimmings, but who truly gives thanks for all of this? Do you (if you do that’s great)? I once did, but have since lost that tradition. Do we just take days like these for granted?

Let me tell you first hand that I think we do (I know I did and after I lost both my mom and dad four years ago, I wonder where all those times went). So if you do not mind, I would like to take this opportunity to revive the tradition of giving thanks (who knows maybe you can even find some things to give thanks for yourself, or at least start thinking about it). Here goes.

I want to say thanks to the greatest wife in the world (okay so maybe you aren’t married; don’t you at least have a significant other to thank in your life). Without her, I would not be back in college today. She supports what I want to do, she gives me strength and comfort when things aren’t looking up, and she gives me that kick in the ass when I need it.

Next I would like to give thanks for a happy healthy family and three of the greatest children a dad could ask for, so what more do I need to say about that? The truth of the matter is, I could go on for hours giving thanks to everyone and everything (both good and bad) that has been influential in my life, so I will sum it up in the next couple of sentences (I just had to get the ones in for my family, without them I would be nobody).

I give thanks for the chance to wake up everyday, to live through and learn from the bad, to celebrate and enjoy the good, to prove those who doubted me wrong that they were wrong, and to try to make the most of every moment in life (I did say try).

So that’s about it (I would imagine you are giving thanks that I am coming to the end). I hope you are thinking hard about the things you can give thanks for this holiday, because from where I stand we all think about saying thanks but never do, and I do not know to many mind readers in this world (truthfully I do not any mind readers).

So, as you sit at that table and look around at everything and everybody, think about what you have just read and "just do it" (do you think Nike will sue me over that line), give thanks for what you have; who knows you might get an extra piece of grandma’s pumpkin pie (just remember that cool whip damn it).

Until later.

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