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CAMPUS COMMENT COLUMN: Chalk on the walk

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I hope your semester is going well and you are taking advantage of some of the programs and events available to you. Our college has many things to offer from play productions to the tricks and treats of transferring, which literally announced itself right under my nose as I was walking up to the building a couple of weeks ago.

At that point, I became curious as to why sidewalk chalk had been used to announce the tricks and treats of transferring. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind sidewalk chalk to entertain a child or to announce something in kindergarten. Actually, with the right picture and chalk colors, an announcement can look nice, at least to someone in grade school.

But it has been a long time ago since we were in first grade. There are several places located inside IVCC to find announcements of upcoming events, including the many bulletin boards, television in the lobby, and electronic message board in the cafeteria.

So next time you walk by a bulletin board or electronic posting, pay attention and maybe we won’t have to have our college defaced by sidewalk chalk that should have been left behind when we left grade school.

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