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Once More Unto the Breach COLUMN: A big ‘Thanks’ to all

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As you might guess, since you’re about to start taking finals, this is the last issue of The Apache this semester.

And, as you might notice by the title on the top of this column, this is the last time you have to look at my ugly mug in The Apache as well. I get to take my education down the road to Bloomington-Normal next semester, so unfortunately, I won’t be back here again unless it’s as a teacher (an idea that should give many people pause!).

However, I can’t leave without saying "Thank you" to some of the people who have helped me through this semester.

First off, a big thanks to Dr. Lynch for asking me to do this column, and standing behind me when people were not happy with the spotlight I thrust them into. You’re the best, Rosie!

Thanks also to the instructors I had this year, who put up with a lot of harassment from me for absolutely no good reason. Yeah, it’s why they get paid the "big bucks," but no matter what, the pay couldn’t have been enough. G. Schmidt, K. Radek, R. Rambo, J. Urban-Bollis, have a good Christmas; you earned it!

B. Campbell, G. Leone, and R. Groleau always stopped me in the halls and talked to me about the column, keeping me honest and letting me know I was appreciated. Thanks, folks!

Most importantly, thanks to my wife Dixie and my daughter Jessica for helping me through this semester and those funky little deadlines that make colleges and newspapers a pain in the @$$! Without them, I’d still be a quivering pile of Jello in the corner of some science lab somewhere.

Finally, thank you for reading this, and realizing that it was a short semester, and a small price to pay for freedom of the press! Enjoy!

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